Aung San Suu Kyi Quote

If to these universal benefits of the growing emancipation of women can be added to the "peace dividend" for human development offered by the end of the Cold War, spending less on the war toys of grown men and much more on the urgent needs of humanity as a whole, then truly the next millennia will be an age the like of which has never been seen in human history. But there still remain many obstacles to be overcome before we can achieve this goal. And not least among those obstacles are intolerance and insecurity.

Opening Keynote Address at NGO Forum on Women, Beijing China (1995)

If to these universal benefits of the growing emancipation of women can be added to the peace dividend for human development offered by the end of...

If to these universal benefits of the growing emancipation of women can be added to the peace dividend for human development offered by the end of...

If to these universal benefits of the growing emancipation of women can be added to the peace dividend for human development offered by the end of...

If to these universal benefits of the growing emancipation of women can be added to the peace dividend for human development offered by the end of...