The urge to explore, to discover, to "follow knowledge like a sinking star," is a primary human impulse which needs and can receive no further justification than its own existence.

The Challenge of the Spaceship, The Challenge of the Spaceship (p. 3), Harper & Brothers Publishers. 1959

The urge to explore, to discover, to follow knowledge like a sinking star, is a primary human impulse which needs and can receive no further...

The urge to explore, to discover, to follow knowledge like a sinking star, is a primary human impulse which needs and can receive no further...

The urge to explore, to discover, to follow knowledge like a sinking star, is a primary human impulse which needs and can receive no further...

The urge to explore, to discover, to follow knowledge like a sinking star, is a primary human impulse which needs and can receive no further...