Arnold Wall Quote

While the dull talk idly streams,
He sits upon the bank and dreams,
Till some careless word that's said
Finds a fellow in his head...

Poem: "The Wit" In: A.E. Currie. New Zealand Verse, (1906), p. 198

While the dull talk idly streams, He sits upon the bank and dreams, Till some careless word that's said Finds a fellow in his head...

While the dull talk idly streams, He sits upon the bank and dreams, Till some careless word that's said Finds a fellow in his head...

While the dull talk idly streams, He sits upon the bank and dreams, Till some careless word that's said Finds a fellow in his head...

While the dull talk idly streams, He sits upon the bank and dreams, Till some careless word that's said Finds a fellow in his head...