Antonin Scalia Quote

One will search in vain the document we are supposed to be construing for text that provides the basis for the argument over these distinctions, and will find in our society's tradition regarding abortion no hint that the distinctions are constitutionally relevant, much less any indication how a constitutional argument about them ought to be resolved. The random and unpredictable results of our consequently unchanneled individual views make it increasingly evident, Term after Term, that the tools for this job are not to be found in the lawyer's - and hence not in the judge's - workbox. I continue to dissent from [the Court's] enterprise of devising an Abortion Code, and from the illusion that we have authority to do so.

Hodgson v. Minnesota, 497 U.S. 417 (1990) (dissenting)

One will search in vain the document we are supposed to be construing for text that provides the basis for the argument over these distinctions, and...

One will search in vain the document we are supposed to be construing for text that provides the basis for the argument over these distinctions, and...

One will search in vain the document we are supposed to be construing for text that provides the basis for the argument over these distinctions, and...

One will search in vain the document we are supposed to be construing for text that provides the basis for the argument over these distinctions, and...