Anthony Aveni Quote

Heaven was not so far away in the eyes of these people (the Maya), who believed that individual, civic and social truths could be revealed by consulting with nature: the shifting of the wind, the arrival of the rain, the appearance of the stars

Conversing With the Planets: How Science and Myth Invented the Cosmos (ed. Crown Publishers, 1992)

Heaven was not so far away in the eyes of these people (the Maya), who believed that individual, civic and social truths could be revealed by...

Heaven was not so far away in the eyes of these people (the Maya), who believed that individual, civic and social truths could be revealed by...

Heaven was not so far away in the eyes of these people (the Maya), who believed that individual, civic and social truths could be revealed by...

Heaven was not so far away in the eyes of these people (the Maya), who believed that individual, civic and social truths could be revealed by...