Come, let's to bed,
Says Sleepyhead;
Tarry awhile, says Slow;
Put on the pot,
Says Greedy-gut,
We'll sup before we go.

Come, let's to bed, Says Sleepyhead; Tarry awhile, says Slow; Put on the pot, Says Greedy-gut, We'll sup before we go.

Come, let's to bed, Says Sleepyhead; Tarry awhile, says Slow; Put on the pot, Says Greedy-gut, We'll sup before we go.

Come, let's to bed, Says Sleepyhead; Tarry awhile, says Slow; Put on the pot, Says Greedy-gut, We'll sup before we go.

Come, let's to bed, Says Sleepyhead; Tarry awhile, says Slow; Put on the pot, Says Greedy-gut, We'll sup before we go.