Alas! That partial Science should approve
The sly rectangle's too licentious love!
From three bright Nymphs the wily wizard burns;—
Three bright-ey'd Nymphs requite his flame by turns.
Strange force of magic skill! Combined of yore.

Alas! That partial Science should approve The sly rectangle's too licentious love! From three bright Nymphs the wily wizard burns;— Three...

Alas! That partial Science should approve The sly rectangle's too licentious love! From three bright Nymphs the wily wizard burns;— Three...

Alas! That partial Science should approve The sly rectangle's too licentious love! From three bright Nymphs the wily wizard burns;— Three...

Alas! That partial Science should approve The sly rectangle's too licentious love! From three bright Nymphs the wily wizard burns;— Three...