Anonymous (group) Quote

We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or affiliate. We are not calling upon the people to occupy a city or protest in front of a local building. This has not brought on us any legislative change or alternate law. It has only brought us bloodshed and false criticism. For the last 12 years, voting was useless. Corporations and lobbyists are the true leaders of this country and are the ones with the power to control our lives. To rebuild our government, we must first destroy it'.

Anonymous Operation V

We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or...

We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or...

We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or...

We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website or...