We would make our heroes shallow, he answered, the words very slow and almost sad. We would make them brittle. It is they who must remind us of the true meaning of strength.

David Talbot - Tale of the Body Thief (1992)

We would make our heroes shallow, he answered, the words very slow and almost sad. We would make them brittle. It is they who must remind us of the...

We would make our heroes shallow, he answered, the words very slow and almost sad. We would make them brittle. It is they who must remind us of the...

We would make our heroes shallow, he answered, the words very slow and almost sad. We would make them brittle. It is they who must remind us of the...

We would make our heroes shallow, he answered, the words very slow and almost sad. We would make them brittle. It is they who must remind us of the...