The greater the happiness that nature sets before me, the more I lament that he is not here to taste it: the greater the bliss we might enjoy together, the more I feel our present wretchedness apart.

Helen Graham (Ch. XXV : First Absence) - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848)

The greater the happiness that nature sets before me, the more I lament that he is not here to taste it: the greater the bliss we might enjoy...

The greater the happiness that nature sets before me, the more I lament that he is not here to taste it: the greater the bliss we might enjoy...

The greater the happiness that nature sets before me, the more I lament that he is not here to taste it: the greater the bliss we might enjoy...

The greater the happiness that nature sets before me, the more I lament that he is not here to taste it: the greater the bliss we might enjoy...