I perceive, with joy, my most valued friend, that the cloud of your displeasure has past away; the light of your countenance blesses me once more, and you desire the continuation of my story: therefore, without more ado, you shall have it.

Gilbert Markham (Ch. II : An Interwiew) - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848)

I perceive, with joy, my most valued friend, that the cloud of your displeasure has past away; the light of your countenance blesses me once more,...

I perceive, with joy, my most valued friend, that the cloud of your displeasure has past away; the light of your countenance blesses me once more,...

I perceive, with joy, my most valued friend, that the cloud of your displeasure has past away; the light of your countenance blesses me once more,...

I perceive, with joy, my most valued friend, that the cloud of your displeasure has past away; the light of your countenance blesses me once more,...