I imagine, there must be only a very, very few men in the world that I should like to marry; and of those few, it is ten to one I may never be acquainted with one; or if I should, it is twenty to one he may not happen to be single, or to take a fancy to me.

Helen to Mrs. Maxwell (Ch. XVI : The Warning of Experience) - The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848)

I imagine, there must be only a very, very few men in the world that I should like to marry; and of those few, it is ten to one I may never be...

I imagine, there must be only a very, very few men in the world that I should like to marry; and of those few, it is ten to one I may never be...

I imagine, there must be only a very, very few men in the world that I should like to marry; and of those few, it is ten to one I may never be...

I imagine, there must be only a very, very few men in the world that I should like to marry; and of those few, it is ten to one I may never be...