Angela Merkel Quote

This is a good day for the world's children. Children who today have no right to their own childhood, to education, to personal inviolability, have with these two representatives, these prize winners, got a voice both for the right to education — particularly for girls — and against unfair and exploitative child labor.

International News | World News - ABC News[]

This is a good day for the world's children. Children who today have no right to their own childhood, to education, to personal inviolability, have...

This is a good day for the world's children. Children who today have no right to their own childhood, to education, to personal inviolability, have...

This is a good day for the world's children. Children who today have no right to their own childhood, to education, to personal inviolability, have...

This is a good day for the world's children. Children who today have no right to their own childhood, to education, to personal inviolability, have...