Amy Klobuchar Quote

I believe that we need to bring a significant number of our troops home. That's the only that we send a clear message to the government of Iraq that we're serious about this and that they need to start taking responsibility for their own country.... I am one who does not believe that we can bring all the troops home tomorrow. The situation is too precarious. But I believe we need to start this year, in the very near future, drawing down the troops.

Quoted in interview with Eric Black (March 14 2006). Iraq and the Senate Race: Amy Klobuchar. Star Tribune. Retrieved on 2007-02-25.

I believe that we need to bring a significant number of our troops home. That's the only that we send a clear message to the government of Iraq that...

I believe that we need to bring a significant number of our troops home. That's the only that we send a clear message to the government of Iraq that...

I believe that we need to bring a significant number of our troops home. That's the only that we send a clear message to the government of Iraq that...

I believe that we need to bring a significant number of our troops home. That's the only that we send a clear message to the government of Iraq that...