Amos Yee Quote

When somebody fucks with you, don't mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your problems, and if you have the chance (which seeing the abundance of social networking sites available, you probably will), find various ways to publicly humiliate him, so he can never dare to fuck with you again, and you can encourage other people to do the same.

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When somebody fucks with you, don't mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your...

When somebody fucks with you, don't mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your...

When somebody fucks with you, don't mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your...

When somebody fucks with you, don't mourn your sorrow, cower in a corner and contemplate suicide. Talk about it, reveal your experience and your...