Alvin Toffler Quote

…the sudden rise of a religious movement in the West that restricts the eating of beef and thereby saves billions of tons of grain and provides a nourishing diet for the world as a whole.

The Eco-Spasm Report (1975). Quoted in The Higher Taste, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, 1983, p. 13

…the sudden rise of a religious movement in the West that restricts the eating of beef and thereby saves billions of tons of grain and provides a...

…the sudden rise of a religious movement in the West that restricts the eating of beef and thereby saves billions of tons of grain and provides a...

…the sudden rise of a religious movement in the West that restricts the eating of beef and thereby saves billions of tons of grain and provides a...

…the sudden rise of a religious movement in the West that restricts the eating of beef and thereby saves billions of tons of grain and provides a...