Aloysius Pieris Quote

A discerning person (anthropos diakritikos), according to the Orthodox Greeks, is someone perpetually mindful or watchful of God working in all things and at all times. Ever conscious of God's Love, which is God's Will, a vigilant Christian is never taken unawares by circumstances. In the eschatological discourses of the Gospels, Jesus advises us to read the cosmic signs that announce God's recurrent visitations and thus remain watchful and awake every hour of the day and night, that is to say, remain perpetually mindful. Hence there is no better description of biblical spirituality than ceaseless vigilance or perpetual mindfulness.

p. 39 - "Spirituality as Mindfulness: Biblical and Buddhist Approaches"

A discerning person (anthropos diakritikos), according to the Orthodox Greeks, is someone perpetually mindful or watchful of God working in all...

A discerning person (anthropos diakritikos), according to the Orthodox Greeks, is someone perpetually mindful or watchful of God working in all...

A discerning person (anthropos diakritikos), according to the Orthodox Greeks, is someone perpetually mindful or watchful of God working in all...

A discerning person (anthropos diakritikos), according to the Orthodox Greeks, is someone perpetually mindful or watchful of God working in all...