Allan Kaprow Quote

... the problem with artlike art, or even doses of artlike art that still linger in lifelike art, is that it overemphasizes the discourse within art...

Journal of Contemporary Art, Inc. accessed 2008-04-28

The problem with artlike art, or even doses of artlike art that still linger in lifelike art, is that it overemphasizes the discourse within art...

The problem with artlike art, or even doses of artlike art that still linger in lifelike art, is that it overemphasizes the discourse within art...

The problem with artlike art, or even doses of artlike art that still linger in lifelike art, is that it overemphasizes the discourse within art...

The problem with artlike art, or even doses of artlike art that still linger in lifelike art, is that it overemphasizes the discourse within art...