Alfred P. Sloan Quote

Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action. It must assume the role of an enlightened industrial statesmanship. To the extent that it accepts such broadened responsibilities, to that degree does it assure the maintenance of private enterprise, and with it the exercise of free initiative as the most efficient creator of wealth.

New York Times interview, 1935

Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action. It must assume the...

Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action. It must assume the...

Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action. It must assume the...

Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action Industry must further expand its horizon of thinking and action. It must assume the...