Alexander Hamilton Quote

It is now proper to proceed a step further, and to enumerate the principal circumstances, from which it may be inferred, that manufacturing establishments not only occasion a positive augmentation of the Produce and Revenue of the Society, but that they contribute essentially to rendering them greater than they could possibly be, without such establishments.

1. The division of Labour. - Report on Manufactures (1791)

It is now proper to proceed a step further, and to enumerate the principal circumstances, from which it may be inferred, that manufacturing...

It is now proper to proceed a step further, and to enumerate the principal circumstances, from which it may be inferred, that manufacturing...

It is now proper to proceed a step further, and to enumerate the principal circumstances, from which it may be inferred, that manufacturing...

It is now proper to proceed a step further, and to enumerate the principal circumstances, from which it may be inferred, that manufacturing...