Have family reunions. There is something magic about the common sense of a blood bond. It's not less magic for black, white, brown or polka dot. The reunion gives a sense that the family cares about itself and is proud of itself. And there is the assumption that you, the family member, are obligated to reflect this pride and, if possible, add to it.

TIME interview (1977)

Have family reunions. There is something magic about the common sense of a blood bond. It's not less magic for black, white, brown or polka dot. The...

Have family reunions. There is something magic about the common sense of a blood bond. It's not less magic for black, white, brown or polka dot. The...

Have family reunions. There is something magic about the common sense of a blood bond. It's not less magic for black, white, brown or polka dot. The...

Have family reunions. There is something magic about the common sense of a blood bond. It's not less magic for black, white, brown or polka dot. The...