It is only in the quantum theory that Newton's differential method becomes inadequate, and indeed strict causality fails us. But the last word has not yet been said. May the spirit of Newton's method give us the power to restore unison between physical reality and the profoundest characteristic of Newton's teaching - strict causality.

Nature, March 26, 1927 (p. 467)

It is only in the quantum theory that Newton's differential method becomes inadequate, and indeed strict causality fails us. But the last word has...

It is only in the quantum theory that Newton's differential method becomes inadequate, and indeed strict causality fails us. But the last word has...

It is only in the quantum theory that Newton's differential method becomes inadequate, and indeed strict causality fails us. But the last word has...

It is only in the quantum theory that Newton's differential method becomes inadequate, and indeed strict causality fails us. But the last word has...