From the chest of drawers to the table is six steps; three to the fireplace and three more after that. It is five steps from the table to the corner of the bed; four steps from the bed to the chest of drawers. The path from the chest of drawers to the table is not quite straight: it curves gently to pass nearer the fireplace.

In the Labyrinth (1959) translated by Christine Brooke-Rose

From the chest of drawers to the table is six steps; three to the fireplace and three more after that. It is five steps from the table to the corner...

From the chest of drawers to the table is six steps; three to the fireplace and three more after that. It is five steps from the table to the corner...

From the chest of drawers to the table is six steps; three to the fireplace and three more after that. It is five steps from the table to the corner...

From the chest of drawers to the table is six steps; three to the fireplace and three more after that. It is five steps from the table to the corner...