A same breath will give life to men, when they will will have succeeded in overcoming all that divide them and put them in opposition one another; then they will have a feeling of the limits of their individuality wonderfully widen and will be able to unite in a beneficial atmosphere of harmony and brotherly concord.

p. 62. - Words of a Sage : Selected thoughts of African Spir (1937)

A same breath will give life to men, when they will will have succeeded in overcoming all that divide them and put them in opposition one another;...

A same breath will give life to men, when they will will have succeeded in overcoming all that divide them and put them in opposition one another;...

A same breath will give life to men, when they will will have succeeded in overcoming all that divide them and put them in opposition one another;...

A same breath will give life to men, when they will will have succeeded in overcoming all that divide them and put them in opposition one another;...