Adam West Quote

As an actor... we all have our own methods and approaches to creating a character, whether thats from the inside going in or vice versa. I spoke, mainly, to the executive producer Bill Dozier. We got along very well and we really shared the same ideas about the show, what it could and should be. We knew to play it on several levels - something that could be lasting for the children but also with funny, social satire for the adults.

Adam West interview: on being Batman (November 14, 2014)

As an actor... we all have our own methods and approaches to creating a character, whether thats from the inside going in or vice versa. I spoke,...

As an actor... we all have our own methods and approaches to creating a character, whether thats from the inside going in or vice versa. I spoke,...

As an actor... we all have our own methods and approaches to creating a character, whether thats from the inside going in or vice versa. I spoke,...

As an actor... we all have our own methods and approaches to creating a character, whether thats from the inside going in or vice versa. I spoke,...