Everybody I know grows claws and fur behind the wheel.... it is only here, in your very own castle of rubber and steel, that you can for a short but blissful time throw off the cloak of civilization and be the raging Hun you always wanted to be.

Welcome to Earth, Mom (1992)

Everybody I know grows claws and fur behind the wheel.... it is only here, in your very own castle of rubber and steel, that you can for a short but...

Everybody I know grows claws and fur behind the wheel.... it is only here, in your very own castle of rubber and steel, that you can for a short but...

Everybody I know grows claws and fur behind the wheel.... it is only here, in your very own castle of rubber and steel, that you can for a short but...

Everybody I know grows claws and fur behind the wheel.... it is only here, in your very own castle of rubber and steel, that you can for a short but...