A. R. Rahman Quote

The trend in the north is more Punjabi folk and simple music. But, in the past, people like Naushad experimented with Hindustani classical music which I think has been completely forgotten. People don't experiment anymore and think that Hindustani classical music won't work. For me, coming from the south, it was just a little step to learn Punjabi music. The nuances are louder in Punjabi music. Songs like Mukkala muqqabla or Humma humma had more of the Tamil folk music in it.

The A R Rahman Chat

The trend in the north is more Punjabi folk and simple music. But, in the past, people like Naushad experimented with Hindustani classical music...

The trend in the north is more Punjabi folk and simple music. But, in the past, people like Naushad experimented with Hindustani classical music...

The trend in the north is more Punjabi folk and simple music. But, in the past, people like Naushad experimented with Hindustani classical music...

The trend in the north is more Punjabi folk and simple music. But, in the past, people like Naushad experimented with Hindustani classical music...